


Relaxing massage

Masaż relaksacyjny pleców

A relaxation massage is a treatment designed for both women and men. In our Wrocław salon, we recommend it to anyone in need of overall body relaxation and who prefers gentler, more soothing massage techniques.

Masaż Wrocław

What is a Relaxation Massage?

The main goal of a relaxation massage is to bring the entire body into a state of general relaxation and relief. The key aspects are muscle relaxation and soothing a tired body.

At Masaje Salon, we achieve this goal in three dimensions. The most important and primary one is the massage itself. We make every effort to tailor our work to the needs and expectations of our clients. During the treatment, we also emphasize two other aspects: aromatherapy and music therapy.

We use the highest quality massage oil to moisturize and nourish the skin, but also to introduce a gentle, relaxing fragrance. We also provide calming music, which helps to unwind and ease any nervous tension. In this way, we help our clients relax and find peace on every level.

How Does a Relaxation Massage Work?

Each session at our Wrocław salon begins with offering a cup of our signature tea. This provides a perfect opportunity to conduct a brief interview with the client and address any questions they may have.

During the massage, the choice of techniques is crucial, as our experienced therapists intentionally use gentler, more relaxing movements in this case. By gradually guiding the client through the different stages of the massage, we first focus on the surface of the body, then move on to the deeper layers of skin and muscles to comprehensively relax the entire body.

Techniques Used in a Relaxation Massage

During this massage, we perform classic techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressing, rolling (both transverse and longitudinal), tapping, and vibration.

Based on their experience, our therapists adjust the tempo and techniques to ensure that the body primarily rests and regenerates completely. The massage is gentle, with movements performed sensitively, yet firm enough to positively impact the overall well-being of the body by relieving lingering muscle tension.

Effects of Relaxation Massage

The relaxation massage that we offer at the Masaje salon is primarily aimed at:

– Gently warming the body
– Relaxing tired and tense muscles, providing relief and rest
– Regenerating muscles and supporting their recovery, especially after a tiring or stressful day
– Improving skin elasticity and stimulating its regeneration, with the use of oils to enhance its appearance
– Significantly improving the psychophysical state through art therapy and music therapy, helping to achieve deep relaxation.

What are the benefits of relaxation massage?

This massage noticeably reduces stress, helps release accumulated emotions, and relieves tension throughout the body. Additionally, the positive effects of the accompanying music and aromatherapy provide mental calm, overall improving mood.

The soothing and relaxing effect of the massage also helps to reduce muscle pain and tension. The comfort that clients feel after the session allows them to return to daily tasks with greater calmness and a positive outlook.

Who is relaxation massage for?

We recommend relaxation massage for both women and men. It’s a relaxing treatment for those who appreciate gentle massages and also want to visibly improve their overall psychophysical well-being.

This revitalizing massage, performed by experienced therapists at our Wrocław studio, is sure to meet the expectations of people seeking a gentler and more relaxing version of the classic massage.

Contraindications for relaxation massage

Below is a list of contraindications for performing a classic massage:
– Recent sprains or bruises
– Acute Sudeck’s syndrome
– Skin conditions (e.g., purulent eruptions)
– Cancer
– Recent heart attack
– Varicose veins or vein inflammation
– Fever
– High blood pressure
– Osteoporosis, hip replacements, bone fractures
– Recent surgeries

Relaxation massage aims to relax and restore balance to the body, so it is essential to ensure the treatment is performed safely.

Preparation for a relaxation massage session

– Remove jewelry and tie up hair.
– Refrain from eating an hour before the massage.
– The skin should be dry – avoid creams, oils, etc.
– In the case of a mobile relaxation massage within Wrocław, prepare space for the massage table and a large towel to cover the body.

How often should relaxation massage be performed?

Relaxation massage can be performed as needed. At Masaje, we provide a personalized approach to each client and are happy to offer advice on the frequency of treatments.

Expected effects after a relaxation massage

After just one session, our clients can expect relaxation and a sense of calm throughout the body. Thanks to gentle, mindful movements, the massage leaves the body relaxed and rested. The feeling of tension disappears, and the body feels soothed.

A noticeable sense of release and lightness also occurs, enhancing feelings of safety and carefreeness.

Thanks to improved blood circulation, the effects are also visible on the skin. It becomes softer, more elastic, and smoother.

Recommendations after relaxation massage

It is important to remember to drink water and avoid physical exertion to support the body’s recovery and renewal.

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