

Couple massage

Couple massage

Masaż relaksacyjny dla dwojga klasyczny Wrocław

This romantic and relaxing massage has a soothing and calming effect on the entire body while also helping to strengthen the relationship with your partner. It’s a time spent together in rest and rejuvenation, during which two professional massage therapists simultaneously perform a classic relaxation massage.

Price list

Option to include sauna (+30min)
Number of people Price
sauna for two people 70PLN

What is a couples massage?

A couples massage is a treatment designed for couples or close friends who want to strengthen their bond and enjoy a massage together. The session is conducted either at our Masaje salon or at a location of your choice in Wrocław to ensure the comfort that clients expect.

During a typical session, two people are massaged side by side, each by a separate therapist. This allows the treatment to proceed at the same pace, and the clients experience the session simultaneously.

Our couples massage is a fantastic experience that relaxes and rejuvenates the entire body. Spending time together in this way provides comfort and renewal while strengthening the bond between the people receiving the massage. The treatment is an excellent gift idea, and when performed regularly, regardless of the occasion, it can improve the atmosphere in a relationship or friendship.

How does a couples massage work?

Before the massage session, we offer clients a cup of our signature tea. This creates a pleasant atmosphere and provides time and space to answer any questions about the treatment.

The main distinction of a couples massage compared to other treatments in our offer is that two people are massaged simultaneously in a room with two massage tables. This allows clients to experience relaxation together and enjoy quality time for two.

Techniques used in couples massage

During the massage, we use classical massage techniques, with a focus on adapting them to the relaxing and soothing purpose of the couples massage.

Following the art of massage, we perform techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, rolling (both transverse and longitudinal), tapping, and vibration.

When performing a couples massage at Masaje, we prioritize the relaxing effect of the treatment, so every movement is done with care and gentleness, tailored to the clients’ expectations.

Benefits of couples massage

A couples massage provides the same benefits as a classic massage and more:
– It warms the body, improving circulation and overall function
– It relaxes tired and tense muscles
– It regenerates the muscles and aids in their recovery
– It improves skin elasticity and stimulates regeneration
– With the addition of aromatherapy and carefully selected music, it improves the psychophysical state
– It supports building affection and a positive atmosphere in relationships and friendships
– It positively influences mood and promotes good feelings.

What are the advantages of a couples massage?

If there is discomfort or pain in tense and overworked muscles, a couples massage has a relaxing and pain-relieving effect. It helps restore psychophysical balance and harmony.

In addition to maintaining a positive attitude, it also eases tensions, helping to build a stronger bond between two people. Time spent relaxing together can also lead to greater openness and closeness in a relationship.

Who is a couples massage for?

A couples massage in Wrocław is recommended primarily for couples, friends, and close companions who want to spend quality time together. It is especially beneficial for those exposed to stress and leading fast-paced lives, who may lack time for each other. Undoubtedly, this is a great way to spend valuable time together.

Whether in our salon or at a location chosen by the client, we are ready to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere that promotes bonding and provides a sense of relaxation on both a mental and physical level.

Contraindications for couples massage

Before booking a session, we recommend reviewing the contraindications for a couples massage:
– Recent sprains or bruises
– Acute Sudeck’s syndrome
– Skin conditions (e.g., purulent eruptions)
– Cancer
– Recent heart attack
– Varicose veins or vein inflammation
– Fever
– High blood pressure
– Osteoporosis, hip replacements, bone fractures
– Recent surgeries

It’s very important to ensure the treatment is performed safely, so if you have any doubts, feel free to contact us.

Preparation for a couples massage session

– Remove jewelry and tie up hair.
– Avoid eating an hour before the massage.
– The skin should be dry – do not apply creams or oils beforehand.
– If the couples massage is being done with mobile service in Wrocław, prepare space for the massage table and a large towel to cover the body.

How often should a couples massage be performed?

A couples massage can be performed regularly. At Masaje, we care about the comfort and well-being of our clients, so we are always ready to assist in choosing the right frequency for the massage.

Expected effects after a couples massage

The effects of a couples massage are primarily a deep sense of relaxation and the release of muscle tension. The body is rejuvenated and relaxed, with pain and discomfort significantly reduced.

Additionally, during the session, the two individuals undoubtedly experience positive emotions and create good memories together. This has a real impact on strengthening the bond between them. A couples massage can help support the relationship and bring people closer together.

Post-massage recommendations for couples

It is important to stay hydrated and continue resting to support the body’s recovery and relaxation.

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